That the woman wants from the man In the age of 22
1. Beautiful
2. Charming
3. Financially successful
4. The attentive student
5. Witty
6. In the good physical form
7. It is stylishly dressed
8. Appreciates fine
9. It is ready on pleasant surprises
10. Bright, romantic beloved.
That the woman wants from the man In the age of 32
1. Well looks (especially hair on his head)
2. Opens automobile doors, the chair submits
3. Has enough money to a good dinner
4. Listens more than speaks
5. It is dared from my jokes
6. Carries packages from an epicure with ease
7. Has at least one tie
8. Appreciates good prepared houses I peep
9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries
10. It is ready to gentle attitudes at least once a week.
That the woman wants from the man In the age of 42
1. Not too ugly and bald head
2. Does not drive off, while I still completely have not come in the automobile
3. It is stably loaded on work - it is ruined for a dinner sometimes
4. Nods a head when I speak
5. Usually remembers highlights of jokes
6. Is in enough good form to rearrange furniture
7. Carries a shirt which closes his stomach
8. Knows, that is not necessary to buy champagne with the braided fuse
9. Does not overlook to lower a seat from a toilet bowl
That the woman wants from the man In the age of 52
1. Cuts hair in a nose and on ears
2. Air publicly does not belch and does not spoil
3. Not too frequently occupies money
4. Does not fall asleep, when I express the ideas
5. Anew does not inform the same joke too many time
6. Is in enough good form to climb down from a sofa in weekend
7. Usually changes socks simultaneously with underwear
8. Estimates a good dinner behind viewing of the TV
9. Remembers my name
10. Has a shave in the some people weekend.
That the woman wants from the man In the age of 62
1. Does not frighten small children
2. Remembers, where bathing
3. Many money for the maintenance does not demand
4. Only slightly snores in dream
5. Remembers, why he is dared
6. Is in enough good form to rise independently
7. Usually puts on clothes
8. Finds pleasant soft foodstuff
9. Remembers, where he has left the teeth
10. Remembers, that it - weekend.
That the woman wants from the man In the age of 72
1. Breathes
2. Does not miss by a toilet bowl.
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