The known researcher Persi Spenser who has received more of 120 patents for the inventions, the employee of one of the largest companies of world military-industrial complex Raytheon, casually became the founder of a microwave. In 1945, shortly before the end of the Second World war, it{he} carried out the researches, putting the problem{task} to improve quality of radars.
At the moment of experience Spenser has found out, that chocolate laying on a table before working radiator has fused. After a series of experiments the first microwave which weighed about 400 kg has been created. She{it} was supposed to be used at restaurants, planes and the ships - there where it was required to warm up quickly peep.
Sticky pieces of paper for notes (Post-it Notes)
Sticky pieces of paper have appeared as a result of unsuccessful experiment on strengthening of stability of glue. In 1968 the employee of research laboratory of the company 3M tried to improve quality of a sticky tape (adhesive tape). It{he} has received dense glue which was not absorbed in stuck together surfaces and was completely useless for manufacture of an adhesive tape. The researcher did not know, how it is possible to use a new grade of glue.
Four years later, his colleague who at leisure sang in church chorus, have been angry by that bookmarks in the book, all time dropped out. Then he has recollected glue which could fix paper bookmarks, not damaging pages of the book. In 1980 Post-it Notes for the first time have been been released in sale.
The carriage for a supermarket
Dealer Sylvan Goldman has invented the first carriage for purchases in 1936. Goldman was the owner of the big food shop in city Oklahoma City and has noticed, that buyers refuse to buy some goods because they are hard for carrying. Opening was casual: Goldman has paid attention, how one customer has put a heavy bag on the toy machine which her son rolled.
The dealer has at first attached small wheels to a usual basket, and has then involved to the aid mechanics and the prototype of the modern carriage has created. Mass release of this device has been started in 1947. The invention of the carriage has allowed to create a new kind of shop - a supermarket.
Cookies with slices of chocolate
One of the most popular kinds of cookies in the USA - cookies with slices of chocolate chocolate-chip cookies. It has been invented in 1930th years when the mistress of small hotel Ruth Wakefield has decided to bake oil cookies. The woman has broken a chocolate bar and has mixed slices of chocolate with the test, expecting, that chocolate will thaw and will give to the test brown color and chocolate smack. However Wakefield has brought ignorance of laws of physics, and she has got cookies from an oven with slices of chocolate.
In 1844 inventor Charles Goodyear has casually opened the recipe of manufacturing of rubber which is not softened in heat and does not become fragile on a frost. The new technology has received the name of vulcanization. Goodyear, many years unsuccessfully trying to improve quality of rubber, in that the extremely whimsical and inconvenient material, once has casually heated up a mix of rubber and sulfur on a cooker. Opening of process of vulcanization of rubber became a push for development of the electroindustry as rubber is fine isolation a material. Invention Goodyear has made possible occurrence of the modern automobile.
Garbage bag
Harry Wasylyk in 1950 has invented the first garbage bag. Wasylyk was the inventor and the engineer and once to {him the municipality of city which has set the task has addressed: to make so that household waste products did not get enough sleep during loading garbage assembly machines. Wasylyk long time deliberated above creation of similarity of a vacuum cleaner, but the decision has come suddenly. Someone from his{its} familiar or domestic has thrown a phrase: " the bag is necessary for dust for me! ". Wasylyk has thought, that for operations with dust it is necessary to use disposable bags and has suggested to do{make} them of polythene. The first the hospital of the city of Winnipeg began to use plastic garbage bags. The first garbage bags intended for private persons, have appeared in 1960th years. Nowadays one of the major problems which should be solved to mankind, recycling of dust is.
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