Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of phone, has never called the to mum and the wife: both of them were deaf persons.
The peanut is used in manufacture of dynamite.
Hippopotamuses are born under water.
Blond beards grow faster, than dark.
Polar bears - lefthanders!
Beethoven once has been arrested for vagrancy.
The flea can jump on distance in 350 times exceeding length of the body! All the same, that the person will jump through a football field!
More than 20 % of all trees of the world - the Siberian larches.
The majority of people is lost with 50 % of flavouring sensations by 60 years.
Paper money for the first time have appeared in China.
In a casino of Las Vegas there are no hours.
In 1880 cocaine freely was on sale for treatment of cold, a neuralgia, a headache and a sleeplessness!
In 15 century considered, that red color treats. Patients put on red and surrounded itself red things.
In day in the USA 3 operations on change of a floor are on the average made.
The hiver who is capable to sustain 40 hours per a beehive with bees completely naked lives in village Lobovskoe of the Saratov area!
In Ancient Egypt if the patient died during operation, to the doctor have cut off hands.
In China now live: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley!
At the moment of death Lenin's brain was in a quarter of a normal amount.
In desert Sahara once - on February, 18, 1979 - there was a snow.
In Russian and English languages there is no word for the name of a return part of a knee.
In Saudi Arabia there are no rivers.
In Siena, Italy, is impossible to be the prostitute if you call Maria.
On the average for a life the person casually eats 70 insects!
On the average the person eats 3201 cucumber during a life!
11 % of all broken scanners fail because people sit on them for a copy of parts of a body!
25 % of the population never called by phone!
80 % of heat of a human body leave a head.
97 % of people to which will offer the new handle, first of all will write the name!
99 % of the alive essences lived on the Earth, have died out.
The first Rolls-Royce cost 600 thousand dollars (1906)..
In milk of a whale fat content of 54 percent..
In Russia hundred dollar denominations it is more, than in the USA!..
One 75-ваттная a bulb gives more light, than 3 25-ваттных.
The Roman legionaries used a tie for... Protection against a cold.
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WOw.. Cool information..
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the post.
Thanks a lot for the post.
Work from home India
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