And this joke operates always. Call and speak:
- Hallo, Piter, we will have child!
- It is not Piter …
- What difference!
Call by casual phone and speak:
- The refrigerator is necessary for you?
To you if you have called not under the announcement, will tell that is not present. Then you:
- Perfectly now we shall arrive and we shall take away!!!
Bell under certain number (for example, to Piter). A precise voice and with appropriate intonation speak:
- Is it Piter?
- Yes, it I!
- You - the weakest part! Farewell.
There is very good way to call with any most inaccessible person. You call, say, in reception of the bigwig. The secretary asks, who calls. You speak terribly:
- Transfer him, that the husband calls, - he knows, whose!
The bell of hour per 3-4 nights, sleepy voice asks: "HALLO", and you to him it is sympathetic: " That, the friend, too is not slept? "
Leaving somewhere, leave on an answering machine the following record: " Hello, the house is not present anybody, with you speaks an answering machine. You can leave the message after a sound signal... " (write down squeak of a pager) wait a pause of silence of seconds at 10-15 and add: "... Please, more slowly - I write down ". Then there is a normal signal of an answering machine, and, having arrived from holiday, to you pleasant pastime - listening of a laughter of your friends in a tube is guaranteed.
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