Tuesday, April 17, 2007


 Rat can live without water for longer than Camel.

During the day, saying feeding their chicks thousand times.

On bites bees each year kills 3 times more people than bites snakes.

Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

Mass brain elephant is about 0.27% of the mass of his body.

The only pet is not mentioned in the Bible, Cat.

Adult whale for 2 seconds inhale 2400 litres of air.

Hotel could be under water up to 28 minutes.

Zebra - white with black stripes, rather than vice versa.

There are about 500 zoos in the World.

The body of caterpillars more muscle than in the human body.

In ancient Egypt, the main pests fields deemed to beetles and even locusts, but ... gippopotames.

Each iron has a unique capability. In stressful situations, it may delay the delivery of up to two years.

Attacking the victim, sharks have turned a blind eye to production byuschayasya not injured.

Scoones can bite and impart fragrance at the same time.

Speed snails, about 1.5 mm / s.

The largest in the world Creeper (and the most dangerous for humans), the marine crocodile.

Stag imperial moth can feel and find a female form within a distance of two kilometres.

The tiger on the front top five fingers, and back-four.

The Earth is about 4,000 species of frogs and toads.

The mechanism that would reflect the light back toward the retina, night vision tigers is six times better than in humans.

Gippopotames following the elephants, the toughest mammals Earth. Their weight may be as high as 4 tons.

During the First World War, one of the South African monkeys received a medal and even won a military rank corporal.

Snake can sleep 3 years in a row, taking nothing for food.

Bloch could jump to 33 cm in one leap. If people have the same pryguchest, people could perform jumps to 213 meters!

Rats appeared on Earth 48 million years earlier than men.

On Earth, there are about 400 breeds of domestic dogs.

The cats falling from the 12th floor, a better chance to survive than y cats scheduled to drop from 7th.

The elephant is the only animal with four knees.

Zoo in Tokyo every year closed for a 2 months to animals could rest from visitors.

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1 comment:

krishna kashyap av said...

Amazing facts..
A must read blog..
Great posts..
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