Tuesday, April 17, 2007


- In the future computers will weigh no more than 1.5 tons. (PopularMechanics, 1949)

- I think, that in the world market we shall find demand for five computers. (Thomas Watson - director of company IBM, 1943)

- I have travelled all over this country up and down, communicated with the cleverest people and I can warrant you that data processing is only folly, the fashion on which will hold on no more than year. (the editor of publishing house Prentice Hall, 1957)

- But, that... Can be useful in this piece? (a question on discussion of creation of a microchip in Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968)

- Anybody cannot have necessity to have a computer in the house. (Ken Olson - the founder and the president of corporation Digital Equipment Corp., 1977)

- Such device, as phone has too many lacks to consider it as a communication facility. Therefore, I think, that given

The invention has no any value. (from discussions in company Western Union in 1876)

- This musical box without wires cannot have any commercial value. Who will pay the messages which have been not intended for any individual person? (partners of association David Sarnoff in reply to its offer to invest the project of creation of radio, 1920)

- The concept is interesting and made well out. But, that the idea began to work, it should contain common sense. (professorate Yale University in reply to Freda Smith's offer on the organization of service of home delivery; Fred Smith becomes the founder of delivery service Federal Express Corp.)

- Yes, whom, to devils, conversations of actors interest? (reaction H.M. Warner - Warner Brothers on use of a sound in a cinema, 1927)

- We do not like their sound and, in general, a guitar is a yesterday. (Decca Recording Co., the rejected record of an album of group the Beatles, in 1962)

- Flying machines, weight more hardly air are impossible! (Lord Kelvin - the president of the Royal Society - Royal Society - 1895)

- Professor Godar does not understand relations between action and reaction, he does not know, that conditions are necessary for reaction more suitable, than vacuum. Similar, the professor tests sharp lack of basic knowledge which are taught in high school. (the editorial in newspaper New York Times, devoted Robert Godara's to revolutionary work on a theme of creation of a rocket, 1921)

- Drilling the ground in searches of oil? You mean, what it is necessary to drill the ground to find oil? You have gone mad. (the answer to Edvina Drake's project in 1859)

- Everything, that could be invented, have already invented. (Charles Djuelll - the special representative of the American Bureau of Patents, 1899)

- Lui Pasteur's theory about microbes - ridiculous imagination. (Pierre Pashe - the professor of psychology of university of Toulouse, 1872)

- The stomach, a breast and a brain will be always closed for intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon. (Sir John Eric Eriksen-the British doctor appointed by the main surgeon of queen Victoria, 1873)

- 640kb should be enough for everyone. (Bill Gates, 1981)

- 100 million dollars - too a big price for Microsoft. (IBM, 1982)

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1 comment:

krishna kashyap av said...

I wish those who have commeted
were alive today.. :D
Work from home India