Wednesday, April 18, 2007

50 Reasons why you cannot find your System administrator

1. He is hidden under a ladder

2. He in the holiday, first time for 5 years

3. He beats in a drum in a cellar that machines at offices worked

4. He in hospital, with overdose of caffeine

5. He was taken away by militia at the moment of murder of the user setting silly questions

6. And you in general have system administrator?

7. You have passed by a table under which he was hidden

8. The system administrator has constructed a labyrinth, and the door in its office is in the center of a labyrinth

9. You the system administrator?

10. You have looked through the system administrator sleeping under a table

11. He is chained to a table in a dungeon, and a key from it only at director

12. The administrator has left to the heads to explain, what for the assistant is necessary for him

13. The administrator so slept a little, that it is better to him to not come to work at all as today all of you equally will not understand about what he speaks.

14. You are afraid, that the administrator will use you as a boxing pear, therefore though you and search for him, but as fiduciary hope, that will not find.

15. The administrator has arrived for the work, disguised as the postman to avoid conversations with users

16. The administrator is killed by a current when pulled a network near to the main power cable. As his body became the basic subject which is installing electrical equipment, the heads has established a protection and has declared, that they still have system administrator.

17. The administrator has got stuck in shaft of the lift, stretching a cable on other floor

18. The administrator pulls out packing beer from a hiding place under a floor

19. The administrator is hidden on a roof

20. The administrator searches for " the Justification of Day » at BOFH.

21. The administrator has left to buy a box of coffee

22. The administrator is occupied, he establishes xfishtank on the main file - server.

24. The administrator was locked in server and plays Deathmatch.

25. The administrator was loaded in DOS and plays DOOM by a network.

26. The administrator has gone to a supermarket to fill up has reserved coffee, beer and cigarettes

27. The administrator has hidden in a pantry in which nobody looks

28. The administrator has found a pair of hours for dream

29. The administrator only has has found out, that from him the bi-monthly child, and anew gets acquainted with the girlfriend and the child.

30. The administrator plays netrek

31. The administrator - in hospital, with the serious trauma put by fallen mountain of bottles with mineral water

32. The administrator at the boss, also tries to explain, why he loaded a photo of the user on

33. The administrator - in hospital, imposes the trunk on fingers after 100 times has printed « Is not present, you cannot use your old address after change of a domain name. Please, read announcements which we sent you last three months ».

34. The administrator has taken a nap under floor boards, walk cautiously!

35. The administrator observes, how the electrician includes a knife switch which will transform firm into multi-coloured pieces of coal

36. The administrator on highway expects, when bank of beer will be rolled from the lorry jumped up on a stone

37. The administrator has left to break off as a hot-water bottle looser which once again has asked: " When the backup copy of system will be made? »

38. The administrator with surprise has stared on « the big burning sphere in the sky »

39. The administrator packs things to get over in firm which uses modern iron

41. The administrator hangs on phone, trying to dissuade the wife to buy the house without DSL

42. The administrator sits on a floor, in a hysterics of that the user has asked

43. The administrator - in a pub because « ALL THIS HAS GOT »

44. The administrator behind your back with an axe

45. The administrator with disgust has left five minutes ago

46. The administrator at meeting at the boss, discusses bad user support

47. Simply look at a ceiling. Recollect "Another's".

48. The administrator is impossible to find by phone and by e-mail because he is too occupied in Usenet telling as he is occupied or thinking out 101 reason why he cannot be found.

49. The administrator is hidden under a table to not begin those who sits hours, observing reinstallation Ultrix from one-high-speed CD ROM, that users, with the rights ROOT, have again destroyed file system, after unsuccessful attempt "to improve"/etc/rc, for defragmentation a disk during loading « that it was kept »

50. We have secret a room, and on it the huge deputy. I hide there.

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